
Dear St. Philip’s,

First and foremost, greetings and peace to you. These days bring with them many emotions. Know that in the midst of all of the uncertainty, God is present and is holding us all closely. Even though we may not be gathering together in person, I pray that we all might feel the love of God not only through our individual prayer and gifts of grace, but also through our continued connections with each other. While we may not be physically together, God is empowering us to find ways to continue our community worship, prayer and spiritual life with creativity, patience, and love. Being church does not (just) mean being in a building. We can be St. Philip’s even in this way, too! 

Also, know that God and St. Philip’s are and always will be a source of love, care, and healing even while there may be physical distance between us. If you find yourself unable to safely meet the needs of daily life due to COVID-19, St. Philip’s is here to help. Seniors and those with medical sensitivities may wish to avoid grocery shopping or other public venues. If you need help or can offer help with meals, grocery shopping or delivery, please contact vestry member Gabe Salas at gsalas72@gmail.com. Gabe is organizing a group to assist those in need. 

May God continue to hold us all closely during this challenging time. If you need anything from me, please feel free to email me at rector@stphilipshighlands.org or call me at 703-299-0072. 

God bless you!

For your worship considerations:

The Washington National Cathedral will be live streaming a virtual Holy Eucharist service tomorrow morning at 11:00 AM. Presiding Bishop Michael Curry will be preaching. To watch, click here.  

Also, you may wish to use the prayer form for Morning Prayer below for your worship tomorrow.

In Christ,