Important Update on Giving

As this very important year draws to a close the Vestry would like to thank everyone for their continued financial support of St. Philip’s.  Thank you to those who have fulfilled their pledges and to those who have responded to our appeal to increase giving by 10%.  To those who have yet to complete their 2018 giving, we remind you that time is short, and the need is great.  We are committed to balancing our budget each year and need your help.

We depend entirely upon donations from parishioners to keep our doors open for all, to hold inspirational services each Sunday with exceptional choral music, to host special concerts, and to fund all the important outreach programs we offer.  This is an important time of growth and transition for St. Philip’s and our collective financial commitment will allow us to continue on this wonderful journey.  If you are making a gift of securities or a retirement distribution, please make sure that your name is associated with the gift.  Thank you for your continued support of St. Philip’s, the church we all love.  Wishing you all a healthy and happy 2019!

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