Rectory Work Through the Summer

St. Philip's was richly blessed to have had such a committed Rector for over three decades.  Having such a longterm occupant in our historic Parish House means that it's time for some maintenance and renovation work before the next Rector arrives.  Anyone who has ever owned an historic home knows that there is always work to be done to ensure it is comfortable, but the integrity of its historical nature is maintained.  Projects include renovations to the kitchen and bathroom, window work, painting, and some general repairs and upkeep. 

Thank you to our fearless team leaders Jim Bopp, Chris Nowak, Robin Arditi, Kathy Plummer, Laura Wilson, Dan McEvoy, and David Gordon for your dedication and expertise.  

Stay tuned for volunteer opportunities like washing windows, painting closets, removing wall paper, and other fun supplemental tasks throughout the spring and summer!