Giving for RMM Youth Overnight Camp

If you would like to, there are 2 ways. 1) Write a check to St. Philip’s, with RMM Youth Camp in the memo line. We’ll bundle the donations and send them to RMM. 2) Come to the Holton’s for a House Party with Director Rev. Richard Witt on Monday, July 15th. It’s at 5:30-7:30 so you can come from work. New York State produce and beverages featured!  Give a donation or just come and learn. $900 pays for the week for a youth. $11,000 pays for a day for everyone. Any gifts bring a connection with the great work of the camp, building creativity, community, and leadership!

Address: 91 Greenwood Lane, White Plains (near where the Saw Mill and I 87 cross I 287)