New ministry opportunities: flowers and meals for those in need

St. Philip’s is working to formalize a couple of our ad-hoc ministries that have existed for some time.

Flowers to Brighten Someone’s Week

First, as an extension of the flower ministry wherein each week parishioners donate the altar and church flowers, Belle Newton will be organizing the delivery of those flowers to those who could use a little of God’s beauty to brighten their week. If you know of someone who could benefit from this, or if you are available to deliver flowers after the 10:30am service on Sunday, please be in touch with Belle.

Comfort Meal Train

Second, Jackie Grant, Carolyn Copeland and Cary Danford, are organizing a “comfort meal train” for those in our parish who could use some home cooked meals in cases of illness or other times of need. If you would like to be added to the list of people who will be contacted with the opportunity to sign-up to provide a meal when a need arises, please reach out to Carolyn Copeland.

Thank you to all who are organizing and participating in these important ministries!